

几十年来,, 威尼斯人平台 has been an agent in shaping engaged citizens and purposeful leaders who improve their industries, 社区, 和社会. 我们的根基保证我们不断创新, 新的认识方式, 以及更好的贡献方式. 我们的价值观是我们的基础, 我们为每个学生排除障碍, 教师, 工作人员, 社区成员, 和邻居有机会做更多的事情, 而不是更少.

建立在我们行之有效的高影响力的教学和学习实践的记录, 资本放大了以经验为中心的学习,从而加深了我们的影响力, 不仅仅是我们的学生, 而且对我们更广泛的社区也是如此. Through in- and out-of-class< community engagement, 实习, 基于社区的研究及更多, 特别关注哥伦布社区, 学生和教师探索高影响力实践之间的明确交集, 社会的理解, 解决问题和社区赋权.


威尼斯人平台 defines community engagement as a collaboration between institutions of higher education and their larger 社区 (local, 地区/国家, 国家, global) for the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources in a context of partnership and reciprocity. The purpose of community engagement is the partnership of college and university knowledge and resources with those of the public and private sectors to enrich scholarship, 研究, and creative activity; enhance curriculum, teaching and learning; prepare educated, engaged citizens; strengthen democratic values 公民责任; address critical societal issues; and contribute to the public good.


除非特别注明, interested parties can sign up for community engagement programs and projects through the SCE Linktree and Volunteer Interest Form.


目的倡导者, 投资, and Mobilize) Program empowers 学生 to actively participate in academic and cocurricular experience through a lens of community engagement, 社会正义, 公民责任. 这个包容的学习者社区将变得富有弹性, 有道德的公民和领袖, 为当前和未来的社区做出有意义的贡献. 学生可以做一次志愿者, all the way up to a 社区参与 引领er working with University 教师 and 工作人员 and community partners to facilitate programs. Information about participation at each level is given below along with examples of the ways to be involved. 电子邮件 sce@daily-martini.com or tdavis3@daily-martini.com 以了解更多有关如何参与目的的资讯.


“美国阅读”是一个全国性的扫盲计划. 我们正在威尼斯人平台威尼斯人平台各专业的学生打电话, 教师, and 工作人员 to make the commitment to give one on one attention to elementary level 学生 who need assistance in improving their literacy skills. 每周花2-15个小时与来自全市各地的学生一起阅读和做作业. 你一定会学到很多耐心,并在这个过程中获得乐趣. 电子邮件 americareads@daily-martini.com 了解更多信息.



位于学生会的下层, Cap橱柜是威尼斯人平台的校园食品和资源中心. 威尼斯人平台 strives to alleviate food insecurity amongst 资本 社区成员s by providing free and accessible food and hygiene items to those in need. 帽柜 is also available to those who would benefit from a snack or a meal from there. 那些使用帽柜的人将与校园内外的资源联系起来. 


Cap Fam服务日

我们一年一度的社区活动开始了! 在每个学年的秋季,和一些朋友组队(或者结交一些新朋友)!),并与哥伦布的社区伙伴一起服务. Information will be available at the beginning of fall semester each year about opportunities to serve.


Spend a couple of hours each Wednesday with 学生 at 米夫林中学 in this program designed to help 7th and 8th grade 学生 create a greater sense of community amongst their peers, 以及更强的个人自尊心. 你会笑,会学习,一定会对你的学生产生影响. 他们也会对你产生相当大的影响. 


每个月第三个星期六加入我们! Transportation is provided as we travel to different community partners throughout the Columbus area. 在2023-2024学年, we will be partnering with the All-People’s Fresh Market and Community Development 4 All People. 


第二次机会月是为那些被判有罪的人而设立的全国性活动, 服刑, 并且已经证明了他们想要成为一个恢复公民身份的人, 社会应该威尼斯人平台他们第二次机会过上高质量的生活. 作为一个宗教和教育机构, 威尼斯人平台认识到它在成功重返社会中所起的作用, 作为康复和重返社会的创新. We have been meeting with multiple agencies to be inclusive and to protect our 社区成员s, 学生, 以及在刑事司法系统中流传的校园成员. 每年4月, 威尼斯人平台承认第二次机会月,以表明我们对这一倡议的承诺. 


威尼斯人平台 has been 国家ly recognized for being a campus with high student participation in every voting season. 我们致力于鼓励我们的学生成为终身选民. 我们积极参与多个公民参与节日, 包括全国选民登记日, 全国选民教育周, 选举英雄日. 我们也威尼斯人平台学生提供其他机会,让他们制定投票计划, 练习投票过程, 并确保他们在投票前掌握了所需的所有知识. 

冬装驱动 & 圣诞树点灯仪式

每年,我们都会在校园里点亮一棵巨大的圣诞树,圣诞老人也会特别露面. 更重要的是, we highlight a few of our community engagement partners and spend the month leading up to the Tree Lighting collecting coats and warm weather accessories to donate to the Open Shelter and other local partners. 



The Community Action (CA) Community of Practice identifies and shares best practices for curricular and co-curricular community engaged learning activities and serves as a resource for university and 社区成员s interested in developing partnerships. 这些共同的做法和伙伴关系特别注重社区参与, 公民参与, 以及社会公正. 欢迎教师和工作人员亲自参加这个两周一次的会议. 会议日期和时间待定. 


资本 has a long history of co-curricular and curricular community and 公民参与 experiences. 符合我们的使命和战略框架, increasing opportunities and institutionalizing best practices for 学生 to participate in these activities is a priority. 

学院管治委员会(i.e., the College Curriculum Committee and the Signature Learning Committee) have approved expectations and processes for designating courses as Community/Civically Engaged (CE). 此名称将出现在WebAdvisor和公告中, 允许学生在注册时识别CE课程.
The documents below provide guidelines and a checklist for creating a new course or designating an existing course as community/civically engaged. 这些材料也可以在CapPoint的CE课程指定指南上找到. If you currently teach or would like to teach a class that includes a significant community engagement component, 请审阅这些指导方针并提交你的教学大纲. 内特·杰克逊(njackson1331@daily-martini.com), 教授社区参与课程的老手, 在别人, 是否可以帮助回答问题并在需要时提供其他支持. 
Although at least 25% of course activities and assessments must be tied to community/公民参与 in order to receive the CE designation, 有证据表明,小型项目对学生学习和社区产生了影响. 雪莉和内特, 与学生和社区参与办公室合作, can work with you to incorporate community/公民参与 as a smaller portion of your courses as well.
当你准备教学大纲并开始计划时, please use these guidelines for any courses that contain community/公民参与 components. 材料可提交至 tdavis3@daily-martini.com.  


The mission of 威尼斯人平台’s 卓越的学习和教学中心 (CELT) is to use the scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL) to support transformative student learning by providing education and resources to 教师 and 工作人员. 



如果你正在寻找一个社区伙伴, whether it is on a semester long project incorporated into your academic course in the past five years, 我们很想知道. Please use the form below to share more about any of your current or past community partnerships and community engagement experiences. 




威尼斯人平台, we treasure the relationships we have made with different groups in the surrounding Bexley and Columbus 社区. 我们珍惜社区成员威尼斯人平台我们的学习机会, to teach each other how to properly advocate for our 社区 and work together to ensure a better quality of life for all. 我们的社区伙伴总是受到欢迎,并被邀请与我们一起团契. 



  • 第一个英国路德教会
  • 全民社区发展
  • 米夫林中学
  • 露天避难所
  • 沙利文花园娱乐中心
  • 贝蒂娱乐中心
  • 巴奈特娱乐中心
  • 哥伦布大都会图书馆
  • 哥伦布市女性选民联盟
  • 富兰克林县选举委员会
  • 哥伦布星屋和卡罗尔·斯图尔特村
  • 俄亥俄历史中心
  • 东部高中
  • 俄亥俄州康复和矫正部